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Elly ladder

The value of our global community resonates

across countries, cultures, and generations


The relevance of IWF is just as strong today as it was in 1974 – in profession after profession, the glass ceiling is still there. It’s just higher, and the value of peer-to-peer support from a global community of outstanding women leaders is simply unmeasurable. Women inspiring women never gets old.

Today, we need to invest in IWF for the next 50 years to increase our mission and member services – including new digital and communications resources to extend our community to new generations. And we need to raise consistent and predictable funds to do so.

Elly’s Ladder is a five-year giving society, represented by the five rungs of the ladder, in which members pledge five successive years of support at one of three levels: Bronze: $1,000; Silver: $5,000; or Gold: $10,000.

Become an Elly’s Ladder donor with these simple steps:

  • Enter your donation amount.
  • Select “Annually.”
  • Choose “Elly’s Ladder” as the designation.
Elly’s Ladder Donors

Receive Special Recognition & Benefits


Acknowledgment in digital & printed materials

speaker for Ellys ladder

Invitations to exclusive events and programs

presentation screen

Priority registration for IWF Conferences

“You face the glass ceiling more than once in a woman’s career. This is why we need to continuously advance women’s leadership, and Elly’s Ladder is a very good way to do that.”
candid of conference individual

Making the IWF magic available for future generations

As the IWF community grows, our need increases for consistent and predictable support to grow our footprint, expand our programs, and  create the infrastructure needed to continue being a vibrant force for positive change for the next 50 years.

Questions about Elly’s Ladder? Contact Rachel Yost at [email protected].