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Invest in IWF’s Future

Acting Today, Focusing on Tomorrow

Women supporting women is more important today than when IWF was founded 50 years ago. Women remain underrepresented in the C-suite; on corporate boards; and at the top of academia, the creative arts and the law, finance, science, technology, media, and health sectors. The glass ceiling hasn’t disappeared, it’s just higher. You can help us shatter it.

Your support helps us make important investments in IWF’s future and continue our mission of uniting our global community of women leaders to advance women’s leadership today and tomorrow.

Bringing the International Women’s Forum to more women leaders, in more countries, in new ways.

Ways To Give

You can support the mission in multiple ways

Join Elly’s Ladder

Become a member of our 5-year giving society to make the magic of IWF available for future generations

Make a Major Gift

For donors considering an annual gift of $25,000+, our philanthropy team can answer any questions you have, including how funds are used and what benefits are available to donors.

Support IWF in Your Estate

Commonly donated through a will or trust, planned giving is arranged in the present and allocated to the organization at a future date.

One-Time Gift

Support IWF with a one-time donation, or a recurring monthly or annual gift.

Questions about supporting IWF? Contact Rachel Yost at